Data protection provisions

We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data. We keep your personal data confidential and in compliance with statutory data protection requirements and the Data Protection Policy below.

The Data Protection Statement informs users of the type, scope and purpose of data collection and the use of personal data by

You will find our data protection policy at


All rights reserved. Files from this website may only be downloaded, printed and saved for personal use. Any other use, particularly by means of hyperlinks to and framing of the website, or even parts thereof, requires prior written approval by Swietelsky AG.

The content of the website and its parts have been drawn up and verified with all due. No liability is accepted for any misprints and typesetting errors. All images on the website are representative only. Furthermore, no liability is accepted for links to other websites and for the accuracy and current status of the information contained in these websites. In addition, no liability is accepted for data loss or other technical issues that may occur when viewing the data on this website.


Google Analytics:

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ('Google'). Google Analytics uses what are called "cookies", i.e. text files that are stored on your computer, to enable analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is generally sent to a Google server in the US and stored there. However, if the IP anonymiser has been activated on this website, your IP address will be abbreviated by Google first if it is located in a member state of the European Union or one of the countries that have signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the US and abbreviated there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to evaluate website use, to compile reports on website activities and to perform further services for the operator of this website that are associated with use of the website and the internet. The IP address transmitted from your browser through Google Analytics will not be integrated with any other Google data. You can prevent the installation of cookies by changing the settings in your browser software; however, we must point out that you may then not be able to make full use of all features on this website.

Google Maps:

This website uses the product Google Maps von Google Inc. By using this website, you agree to Google Inc. , Google's representatives and third parties collecting, processing and using the automatically collected data. You will find the terms of use for Google Maps at 'Google Maps Terms of Use'.

Why we use cookies:

To provide personalised and attractive services and improve our website, we collect and store information about how you use our lineup. We use cookies on various occasions, including for the purpose of analysing the behaviour of visitors to our website, personalising pages or keeping registered users logged on for the duration of their visit. This is done by implementing simple text files (cookies) located on your computer.


What type of cookies do we use? 

We use two types of cookies – session and persistent cookies.
Session cookies are stored only until you close your browser. Once you close your browser, these cookies are automatically removed from your computer.
Persistent cookies remain stored on your computer for the time specified in the cookie files. These cookies are deleted once their specific time period has elapsed and not when the browser is closed. These cookies are activated every time you visit our website.

The cookies we use most frequently are session cookies, because this cookie type is the least disruptive. These cookies contain a set of data, including when you use our interactive form to ask questions or to keep you logged in on our website for the duration of your visit. These session cookies are used to guarantee the best possible user experience during your visit on our website.
We only use a small number of persistent cookies on our website. The cookies used mainly serve analytical purposes. The cookies are used to indicate which pages were visited, how many users visited our website and allow us to analyse user behaviour on our website.

What happens if I do not want to accept any cookies?

Disabling cookies affects the functionality of our website. As a result, you may not be able to use all the features and services that we provide.
The browsers on many computers, smartphones and other internet-enabled devices are usually set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to use cookies on this or any other website, you can adjust the setting in your browser accordingly. Your browser's Help menu will tell you where to find these settings.
If you would like to have further information on cookies, for instance on how to block or delete them, please visit:

Social Media and Third-Party Tools:

We take the current discussion on data protection in social networks very seriously, as we operate our own presence on these platforms to inform active users about our services. The specific social media platforms we utilize are represented on our website through logos. In this regard, it is important to note that, based on current legal rulings, we share a joint responsibility under Article 26 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) with the respective operator of the social network. We have taken the necessary precautions to the extent allowed by the provider. The primary responsibility under the GDPR for processing personal data on the respective social network lies with the operator of that social network.

In the event of asserting data subject rights, it is emphasized that such rights must be exercised directly with the social networks themselves. As operators, we do not make decisions regarding the processing of data on the social network. Only the respective provider has access to user data and can take direct actions accordingly. The terms and conditions of the respective social network apply.

User data in social networks may be processed for advertising and market research purposes. User interests may be used to create individual usage profiles, and these profiles may be subsequently employed for purposes such as targeted advertisements within and outside of social media. For these purposes, the social media platform also uses cookies to store user behavior and interests. Additionally, these usage profiles may contain data about users as members of the respective social media platforms if they are logged in.

For a detailed description of specific data processing activities and information on how to object or revoke consent, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective social network.

Swietelsky Developments

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Sales Office Vienna

Tuchlauben 11/15

1010 Vienna

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Data Protection Regulation Impressum